Welcome to SG Therapist.

You can live a Rich and Fulfilling Life!

I provide services to help you discover the you that you want to be; its just waiting to be discovered. I am here to help.

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Scott D. Altamirano, LMFT

Scott D. Altamirano, LMFT, is an American-born therapist of Mexican and Filipino decent. His journey as a therapist began after serving in the US Army for 4 years as medic during the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. Though he wasn’t deployed, he worked directly with those impacted by war. Seeing those around him hurt and coming to terms with his own traumas, Scott decided to join the mental health field to make sure that no one will suffer as much as he, and those are him, have.

As a therapist, Scott found that he thrives in spotting and discovering the truths that lie within ourselves, no matter how ugly is it. He takes a fearless and nonjudgmental approach to help his clients understand the true nature so that they can finally heal and move on from their demons. Scott has a strong understanding of psychology overall, but operates mainly out of modality of Attachment Theory. Lastly, Scott emphasizes change and thus often assigns homework to his clients between sessions.

Scott’s journey into psychotherapy is fueled by a passion for attachment theory and family counseling, guiding his practice to serve a diverse range of needs. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of individual challenges, seeking to strengthen your bond as a couple, or exploring the dynamics within polyamorous or narcissistic relationships, Scott’s tailored approach ensures you feel supported every step of the way. His inclusive practice also offers a safe space for those grappling with questions of sexual identity, providing clarity and comfort during times of uncertainty.

But what truly makes Scott’s practice a place for healing? It’s his belief that everyone’s story deserves to be heard, without judgment or reservation. Scott’s method is not about applying one-size-fits-all solutions; it’s about discovering the unique paths that lead to personal growth and fulfillment for each individual or partnership. By focusing on the power of attachment, Scott empowers you to build stronger, more meaningful connections—not just with others, but with yourself.

Imagine being equipped with the tools to understand your emotional responses, communicate more effectively, and navigate life’s challenges with resilience. Picture a future where your relationships are rooted in trust, empathy, and mutual respect. This is the future Scott is dedicated to helping you build.

Scott’s practice is not just about addressing the present; it’s about unlocking the potential for a brighter, more connected future. Whether you’re on a journey of self-discovery, striving to enhance your relationships, or seeking to overcome personal obstacles, Scott’s expertise and empathetic guidance illuminate the path forward. His commitment to creating a judgment-free environment ensures that every voice is heard, every experience is valued, and every individual is empowered to thrive.

Beyond his professional accolades, Scott is a person just like you, with passions and quirks that make him relatable and approachable. A lover of Dungeons & Dragons, Scott’s strategic mind and imaginative spirit add a layer of creativity to his therapeutic approach. His dry sense of humor not only lightens moments of heavy conversation but also reminds us that laughter can be a powerful tool. As an openly gay man and former military member, Scott embodies resilience and authenticity, advocating for acceptance and understanding in all facets of life. And let’s not forget his adoration for cats—Scott’s feline friends are a testament to his nurturing nature.

Choosing to work with Scott Altamirano is about finding a safe space where you can be your authentic self, explore your deepest fears and desires, and emerge stronger and more connected than ever before. If you’re ready to take that step, Scott is ready to walk beside you, offering guidance, support, and a few laughs along the way.

In a world where genuine connection is rare, Scott Altamirano stands out as not just a therapist, but a companion on your journey toward healing and self-discovery. Reach out today to schedule a consultation, and take the first step towards a life filled with deeper connections and lasting happiness.